In the Aviary "simple" search, the following options exist.
Note: For all search queries, you can first set the target of the search using the drop down on the left side of the simple search box (e.g., Any Field, Index, Transcript, Description).
Search a single term, e.g., bourbon. This will search only for exact matches to the string "bourbon" within the target data. Search multiple terms at once, e.g, bourbon whiskey. This will search for exact matches to the strings "bourbon" AND "whiskey" within the target data. Note that this behaves like an "AND" boolean. Results will be returned only if both values exist in a given resource. The values do not have to be in sequence or even in the same metadata fields within the given resource. Search an exact string of multiple terms, e.g., "bourbon whiskey". This will search for an exact match of the string "bourbon whiskey" anywhere in the target data. Search a wildcard on the beginning or end (or both) of a string using an asterisk ( * ), e.g., bourb*, *ourbon, or *ourb*. This will look for any partial matches to your search string based on where you put the asterisk. Placing the asterisk at the end will look for any text results that start with your string, but end with any additional characters. For example, bourb* will return hits for "bourbon" and "bourbons". Placing the asterisk at the beginning will look for any text results that end with your string, but start with any additional characters. For example, *ourbon will return hits for "bourbon" and "dourbon." Placing the asterisk at the beginning and the end will look for any text results that contain your string, but start and end with any additional characters. For example, *ourb* will return hits for "bourbon" and "bourbons" and "dourbon."
Search using Boolean operators, i.e., AND, OR, and NOT, e.g., bourbon AND whiskey; bourbon OR whiskey; bourbon NOT whiskey Boolean operators must be in all capital letters within the search string. Use AND to narrow your search: all of your search terms will present in the retrieved records. Use OR to broaden your search by connecting two or more synonyms. Use NOT to exclude term(s) from your search results, and, to retrieve resources that do not contain certain terms but do contain others. All of the above options can be used together to conduct detailed searches using Aviary's standard simple search box, e.g., "bourbon whiskey" AND home AND Juli* NOT Veach. Simple booleans searches are most effective with single words When including phrases after a boolean operator, it is necessary to put them in quotes. For example, Aviary NOT “How to”. Failure to include the quotes will result in an AND boolean search.
In the Aviary "advanced" search, the following options exist:
Each row can be used to specify a search term, to set the target of the search for that term (e.g., Any Field, Index, Transcript, Description), and to set the matching logic (e.g., HAS, STARTS WITH, ENDS WITH, CONTAINS). In each row, the search term can only be a single string with no spaces To make the string a "wildcard" string, use "STARTS WITH", "ENDS WITH", or "CONTAINS" in the matching logic dropdown. To make complex searches, add additional rows with new criteria.