AVIARY-3927. OHMS Studio CSV Import doesn't import more than 1 record
AVIARY-3928. As an OHMS User, I can import CSV into the OHMS Studio with no media
AVIARY-3935. Some OHMS Studio Index XML Imports do not process
AVIARY-3957. OHMS Studio Multi Records CSV Import doesn't import transcript
AVIARY-3969. Some Vimeo videos in OHMS don't display in Aviary
AVIARY-3980. OHMS Transcripts with Footnotes not displaying
AVIARY-3929. Fix translation data issue caused in OHMS -> Aviary migration
AVIARY-3971. OHMS Collections Manage Interviews does not display any records for some orgs
AVIARY-3814. Initiate OHMS → Aviary migration of 1100 OHMS orgs
AVIARY-3896. As an User, I can import OHMS XML into the OHMS Studio with no media
AVIARY-3922. Redo OHMS → Aviary migration email invitations for 82 orgs missed in opening week
AVIARY-3924. OHMS XML export file naming logic wrong
AVIARY-3925. OHMS Studio Index XML Import doesn't populate transcript
AVIARY-3926. OHMS Studio CSV Import doesn't populate transcript
AVIARY-3930. Unable to OHMS Edit Index or Sync Transcript with Amazon streaming audio
AVIARY-3954. OHMS Index Edit Error when GPS data entered
AVIARY-3913. Mis-spelling on remove my own assignments warning pop-up